Google Introduces a New Command-Line Tool, GoogleCL

by Ferman Aziz

Google has announced the launch of a new useful command-line tool GoogleCL which aims to make accessing the company’s web services a lot easier and more interactive. The tool works for YouTube, Picasa, Calendars, Docs, Contacts, and Blogger. GoogleCL is developed in Python on top of the gdata-python-client library. It’s an open-source software project that’s hosted on Google Code and distributed under the Apache license.

A command-line interface (CLI) is an interface where the user can tell the computer to perform specific tasks by typing commands like we once did with MS-DOS. For example, a command would look like

$ google blogger post --blog "My blog" --tags "python, googlecl, development" my_post.html
$ google calendar add "Lunch with Jason tomorrow at noon"
$ google docs edit --title "Shopping list" --editor vim

The tool can be downloaded from its project page on the Google Code Web site. Google is making available a tarball with the source code and an installable DEB package.

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