FIFA Fever Taking Over the Web

by Ferman Aziz

How do you know the FIFA Football World Cup has finally arrived? The answer couldn’t be simpler. When you see Google changing its search result logo from Goooooogle to Goooooooal. Whether we like it or not, we’ll be eating, sleeping and living Football throughout the next month and it’ll be impossible to escape FIFA fever on the web once the event kicks off in 2 days. It was reported earlier that Yahoo is teaming up with David Beckham to bring an exclusive sports interactive channel during the event and now you can change your Twitter background to “South Africa 2010″, a theme that was rolled out today and is sure to appear in all Football fanatics’ twitter pages very soon..

A simple Black and Gold design with the African map and the text saying ‘South Africa 2010’ the theme is already appearing in large numbers as users are alerted that it’s available now. Twitter is just 3 years old and this is its first Football World cup and it’s obvious that it’s going to become one of the biggest platforms for match updates and fans’ emotional Hyde Park. Twitter’s official page for the WC is @fifaworldcuptm.

[via TechCrunch]

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