Google Mobile Search Brings Android Market To Its Platform

by Ferman Aziz

It should’ve happened a lot sooner but better late than never. It was just revealed that users will now be able to see and access their Android Market search results directly from their mobile browser via Google Search.

All you have to do is select Android Apps from the ‘more’ tab on the top right of your mobile screen and you’ll get the option to be linked directly to the Android Market place along with your news, videos and image results.

This will make life a lot easier for users as searching and downloading an application will be done together from the same screen and it’s sure to increase traffic on the Android Market with users having the option in their hands on the go.

It’ll be even handier if we get the app results showing up in search on the top similar to how iOS apps do after a related search is preformed.

Google Mobile Search Brings Android Market To Its Platform

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