iOS & Android Users Can Now Call Their Facebook Friends For Free

by Ferman Aziz

All of you iPhone, iPod Touch and Android for mobile users, who also happen to be Facebook addicts, there’s some great news from VoIP giant, Vonage. Now you can call everyone in your Facebook friends list for free. All you have to do is to download and install the Vonage Mobile for Facebook app on your phone and you’re all set. You don’t need a Vonage subscription to use it but both parties should have the app installed.

The app requires you to fill in your Facebook credentials only once after installing. The app shows your friends in different groups and a “V” logo will appear next to those who have the app installed and can be called for free. You can chat with a friend without the app and send an invite to install it.

The app runs in the background on your phone which means calls will come through even if it’s not open and you’re performing other tasks. You’ll see the caller’s Facebook profile photo and the latest status update when a call comes through. This is a pretty interesting feature and a potential hit in the making. Not requiring a Vonage subscription is also a huge plus and will definitely increase downloads. So, would you want to start calling all those Facebook friends that you rarely (if ever) meet and talk to? Tell us in the comments.

Also check out the video below explaining how the app works.

[via Mashable]

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